
Showing posts from 2007

Happy Holidays's December 21! That means that (this year anyway) Hanukkah has passed, Christmas is on the way, New Year's Eve & Kwanzaa aresoon to follow!! This year I have learned, more than ever, that it truly IS about sharing time with family and beloved friends!! Make sure that during this holiday season you let everyone that you love KNOW that you love them! You don't have to buy expensive trinkets to show that love--my family is getting love, laughter...and some baked goods if I feel like it! Call someone, visit someone or send a card--handwritten...but an e-card will still be nice, if you have to go that way! Remember why we celebrate at this time! It's not about the fat man in the red suit! Whatever, and Whoever, you believe...go back to THAT and celebate it this Holiday season! (I believe in I celebrate Jesus' birth! No, I don't know if he was born on December 25 or sometime in the spring...but I DO believe He was born so that's why I celebra...

Cold season

I named this post "cold season" for two reasons! 1) It's the season where it's starting to be cold! and 2) it's the season where people--including me!--start to CATCH colds!! Last night, I was feeling extra "stuffy" in the nose area...and I was rummaging through my junk drawer--you know, the one that has everything!! It's the one in my room, not in the kitchen though! It has my extra medicine, cords for cell phones and whatnot and whatever else I throw in there! Well I found a jar of Vicks Vapo looked like I'd had it a while! The poor jar was all beat and battered! But, maaan, I put some on my nose and it worked just like I remember back in the day!! Oh, it made me so happy!! I was breathing like a charm again...well, for about 5 minutes at least. I just kept re-applying!! Thank you VICKS!

A long while

It's been a LONG time since I have posted anything to my blog...and I figured today is as good a day as any!! Let's see...what's new? well, tonight, I'm returning to karate...YAY!! Um...that's about it, actually! And right now, I'm in the mood for a Coke and a Twix...but I'm trying to fight the feelings! Let's see, what else...oh, Thanksgiving is ONE week away!! Yay...I'm excited about that...I'm going to volunteer to help with the Bea Gaddy Thanks for Giving dinner again this year...and then I'll be home...hopefully a repeat of last year, "just chillin' in a sweatsuit!" I do plan to bake some though! Yum! I'm ready!

My good weekend

I meant to post this yesterday...but hey, I forgot!! I had a wonderful weekend!! It was pretty incredible...even if it did go too fast and made me more tired than I've been in a LONG time!! Here's a (hopefully) short synopsis! Friday, I went to see my favorite group of all time!!! Boyz II Men!!! Yes, there were only three of them and yes, they sang to CDs and yes, because it was at Ram's Head they only performed for about an hour. But it was the most wonderful hour or so ever!! Wanya was, is now, and forever shall be, my total and complete BOYFRIEND...oh, I love him so much--in a "grown woman with a huge crush on a celebrity" kind of way only, of course! Poor Nathan was sick but still managed to sing about 98% of the songs! It was awesome and I'm SO happy that my friend Crystal told me about it so I could go!! Then, Saturday, I got up and went to dance rehearsal!! After that, I got something to eat for me, my mom and aunt. Then I went home...and NOTHING!! Wow,...

I'm a chicken!!

So, I was on the elevator at work and I saw the guy that looks like he's Mr. Evans' brother and it creeped me out!! Some people were "horseplaying" on there and he made a face...I PROMISE he's Mr. Evans' brother! (Mr. Evans, in case you don't feel like searching through the archives to figure out who that is, was my 11th grade math teacher at Western...I wasn't afraid of him, exactly...but he was just very, unique and it was weird to discover that his brother--still too 'fraid to ask--works here!) I'm a chicken...and I'm ok with that!!

wake up

Have you ever been so sleepy that you fall asleep right where you are--no matter WHERE that is and the worst part is that you don't realize it until you wake up? Sheesh! That keeps happening to me at work! I'm glad that I have the "new mail arrival" sound to keep me going! I'm actually trying to do work so this has been a tough one!! Whew! But thankfully, the weekend is here!! I can rest--hopefully!!

nothing special

I haven't posted in a while so I just wanted to post something...but I have nothing "real" to talk about!! Let's's been an INCREDIBLY hot summer, but that's no newsflash!! Oh, I do have one announcement! I have decided to return to culinary school!! I'm very excited about it and I WILL finish this time!! Ok, that's it...nothing more to see here!

No wings...

...on the first date! I changed my mind!! Ok, let me back up! I was talking to some of my friends (over plates of wings from Murray's) and wanted to know if they were going to be the types to order wings on the first date or a sensible start the meal, of course!! (My friends and I love chicken wings, especially buffalo wings and usually get them every time we go out to dinner for appetizers!) Most of them said "no wings on the first date" and I was like "y'all are all wack!! You are going to be fake! That ain't right!" (Yes, BAD English but so what!)I said, "wings for me, please!" One friend said "But all that crap gets under your nails!" (I have acrylic real ones are too short to even worry about!) Fast forward to tonight; I just had the best Buffalo wings I've had in a LONG time!! However, even AFTER I washed my hands, there was plenty of CRAP UNDER MY NAILS!! wings for me on the first date!! I don...

The OFFICIAL late twenties birthday was two days ago and it was one of the best birthdays yet!! I turned 28 and so I'm officially in my late 20s...if I wasn't already!! I had a wonderful day...full of beautiful cards, text messages, phone calls and in-person wishes as well! I went to lunch with some friends--which was bittersweet! The food was good (always is at Friendly's!) but we saw ANTS and that was disgusting! Then, later in the day (I went to work...I didn't take off like some folks do!) I went to dinner and then to the movies with some good friends!! I saw "Transformers" and it was really good...the way that they actually transformed was the hardest part of the movie to me!! I would definitely recommend that people see it!! So...two years to 30!! And I'm excited about it!!


My friend Toya tagged me to write 7 things about myself like a week or more sad is it that I can't think of anything?! Well, anything worth writing!

I'm a Zebra!!

OK, so I'm obviously NOT a zebra...but I have decided that for the rest of this week--at least the rest of the work week, but if I can, up through Sunday--I'm going to wear black, white or some combination of the two!! I recently realized that I LOVE white and black and apparently, black and white! (I said that I've recently realized it because I didn't consciously go out and buy tons of black and white...well, yes, I did with white, but not black! But almost every night that I was going to get dressed in Vegas, it was some version white and black...and I'm learning to just embrace that!!) I've discovered lots of ways to "spice it up" so I'm determined to do just that!! Yesterday...a black and white polka-dotted shirt with black Bermuda shorts--that I adore from Torrid. Today...a black and white paisley print top with white gauchos--that I LOVE from Target. Tomorrow, not really sure, but I'll come up with something!! Just felt the need to share...

Back from Vegas

I was in Las Vegas from May 14 until May I'm home...and back to work...and I'm sad!!!!! Real sad!! That's it!! PS I'll be 28 in a little over a month! Whoo hoo!

My child-filled weekend!!

You know, I don't know if I say it often on here, but I LOVE children!! I mean LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!! And I think they love me...and I think I'm good with them!! That's why I'm, like, the world's oldest sitter! LOL!! I watched the children of a couple of friends from church this weekend!! They recently moved to York, PA and I told them that just because they moved didn't mean I wasn't willing to watch the children!! So this weekend, for the first time, I did an overnight baby-sit with them!! Did I mention they have 4 children who are 11, 7, 6, and 4? But I had a ball...Here is my account of what happened: I got to their house about 5pm on Saturday and the drive was actually pretty nice!! The parents left about an hour later…I cooked dinner--corn dogs and Tater Tots--which we ate on the back deck. Then, baths and a board game--the Bratz dolls, which I am a little sick of have this "make the doll up" game--then ice cream sundaes and I let them watc...

Happy April 30

Today is April 30 and that means...well, nothing special!! It's just a beautiful day; the sun is shining and I'm alive!! So YAY for today!! So, let's see...what's new with me? Well, wedding mania has begun for me! My FAVORITE cousin on the planet, Nikki, got married on April 21st!! My sister is getting married May 12! One of my dance ministry sisters and her husband are renewing their vows in mid-June. Another cousin is getting married at the end of June. Lastly, my friend Angie is getting married July 21!! (The weddings that I mentioned with specific dates...I'm part of the wedding party!!) Weddings are beautiful things BUT they can be costly to be a part of!! On DRESSES alone this year, I've spent over $500...and I'm not even the one getting married! But it's ok!! Yay for love and marriage and all that comes with it! And speaking of weddings, I guess my mom has rubbed off on me...I had a moment of weakness and bought a Modern Brides magazine this week...

Hints!! mother wants me to get married and give her grandchildren SOON!!! How do I know? Well, for starters she has bought me--or perhaps she brought it from work. I'm not really sure if she paid for it!--not one but TWO bridal magazines!! And not like two at the same time in a "I was in this kind of mood" situation, but two DIFFERENT times!! She's also always talking about how her sisters and friends are grandmothers and she's not!! (She's the oldest of her sisters and has the oldest grandchildren and among her friends, my mom has some of the oldest children) She even mentioned wanting to go to a bridal show together!! And the weird part is that I'm as equally ALL FOR IT!! What's weird about all this...well, I don't have a steady boyfriend or anyone that my mom could potentially have in mind!! I mean, should I feel some kind of pressure or need to rush?! I'm thinking so!!!

Newest Jams of Shame

Yes, folks, it's that time again!! Time for me to 'fess up to those songs that I like but wished that I didn't! 1) "Buy You a Drink" by T-Pain featuring Yung Joc--yes, I I go AGAIN with T-Pain, sheesh!!! 2) "Throw Some D's" by Rich Boy featuring Polow Da Don--and YES, it IS sad that I know who the song is by AND how to spell the artists' names properly! OK, I think that's it!! It seemed like I had so many!! Some of my other jams, I don't feel such shame in liking them!! Anymore to add to the list?!


Today is SUCH a good food day!! I'm SO happy!!! I had a YUMMY Dutch Apple and Raisin bagel from Panera Bread for breakfast...then, I was in this focus study thing on CHOCOLATE!!!!! Oh yes, that was FANTASTIC...AND I got paid for it!! WHAT?! Remarkable!!! Then, for lunch, this INCREDIBLE salad from the salad bar at Giant...and tonight, dinner with my girlfriends at the Cheesecake Factory...can't WAIT!! Ooh, AND tomorrow, I'm going to brunch with my mom at the, I think, Radissson in Cross Keys...I'm going to be eating good all weekend!! YAY!! AND it's spring time!! I'm as happy as a pig in mud!! (Whatever that means!!)


So...I have decided that for REAL this time, I want to cut my hair...specifically like Rihanna's cute lil bob cut!! I want it cut like that AND colored!! It will be cute...I will be cute WITH it and I'm excited!! For a while, I was "afraid" to cut my hair, but why...seriously, it's JUST hair!! It will grow back...and if I can't wait, in this day and age, I can BUY some hair!! So I'm going to do it...this comes on the heels of my decision to ACTIVELY change the way I look...for the better! Normally, I pride myself on the "appearance isn't everything" way of thinking! And while that statement is TRUE, it's still SOMETHING!! So, I want to be proactive in changing my look!! I'm excited about further developing my style and what I like!! I may even post pictures!! Ooh!!

Happily Ever After

SO...I'm talking with a co-worker, who I often have MIND-BLOWING (and NOT in a positive way) conversations with and it made me feel like I have these romantic idealistic ridiculous expectations of relationships and marriage!! I hope that is not true and I hope that he's just more willing to deal with foolishness than I am...because if it turns out he is right and that I'm basically setting myself up to 1) be alone or 2) to settle then I WON'T be a happy camper!!!!!!!! He's always asking me "what about love?" and I'm like "love is not enough" and I truly and honestly believe that! OF COURSE it's the foundation, but I definitely do NOT think it's enough to sustain a relationship. But maybe that's just me!!

Return to Vegas

I'm going back to Las Vegas in May!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm ecstatic!!!!!!!!!

Shut UP!!!!

So...I have realized I don't especially like it when people complain just for the heck of it!! I'm more of a "what are you going to do about it?" person!! Of course, I ALWAYS think that there is a time and place to just vent and I'll happily listen!! But if you continuously tell me about the same problems that you intend to do NOTHING about, just don't call or email or text me!! Ugh!! And DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT ask my opinion because it doesn't matter because you don't intend to change anything!! That's all!

The Sun is Shining

Even though it's only about 30 degrees today--at least, here in Baltimore--I'm SO happy that there have been DAYS of sunshine!! This makes me happy!! Know what else (still) makes me happy? My freakin' iPod! Gosh I love that gadget!! It's bananas!! I'm up to almost 900 songs (still a FAR cry from the full capacity) and I'm just jammin' more and more day by day!! It makes me so happy!! Who would have known!?! Anyway, here's to SPRING!!

Back to work!!

Today is the first day that I've been at work since Tuesday morning!! Tuesday afternoon, our building--and the federal government, in general--closed at 2pm. (I live in Baltimore and in this area, there have been periods of snow and freezing rain off and on for a few days! Pretty dangerous driving conditions!) Yesterday was a 4 hour delay for my agency, which translates to working 12:30 to 5 and I kindly declined!! So, yesterday, I washed dishes, did the rest of my laundry, a wonderful breakfast (chocolate chip muffin and milk! Yum!) and THEN a wonderful brunch--which was really just breakfast part 2 (yummy times 2), got on the computer for a few hours and then went to visit my friend Kia...who is a schoolteacher in Baltimore City and was experiencing some serious cabin fever!! Ooh, and my mom gave me a beautiful card and very pretty candleholder for a Valentine's day gift--after my brother KINDLY reminded her that she hadn't given us gifts since we were adults!! She bought...

rat cakes...and other mess-ups

So...I'm woke at 2am--which is a PROBLEM considering I should be at work in NO LATER THAN 7.5 hours and I've not even gone to bed yet!! I'm tired and yet I just KEEP on finding things to do on the Internet! And, of course, the TV is still on! I've just finished watching "Ace of Cakes"--which, if you don't watch, combines two of my favorite things BAKING and BALTIMORE!! One of the reasons that I like watching the show is because it makes me feel good as a beginner cake decorator to know that even the PROS have BIG-TIME mess ups!! Sometimes they'll top a cake 3 times...or they'll be stumped when trying to figure out how best to present it (paint the flowers on, or create them from gumpaste, that kind of thing)'s just great to know that I'm not alone! And it's VERY cool to see all the stuff that can be done with edible ingredients!! I can't WAIT to open my bakery!! Whoo hoo!! Ok...think I'll head to bed now!!

Who am I?

So...I have decided that 2007 will be the year that I'm going to start on the journey towards "who God says Tonyette should be!" (as opposed to what family, society and those generally just NOT "in the know") The thought of that is daunting and scary and exciting all at the same time, but I'm determined to do just that...and though I'm sure of what some of that means...other parts of it are unclear! No matter what, I'll be SURE to share all the details through blog posts! I'm thinking a career change, a relationship change--in that I might actually START a new one--and a location change are all in my immediate future! Prayers, well wishes and just plain ole good vibrations will be solicited and are appreciated in advance!!


OK, so I don't ACTUALLY have frost bite, but it's literally GOT to be below freezing outside!! Or CLOSE!! I mean, WOW!!!!!!!!! At least it seems that way here in Baltimore!! I mean, it's one of those "if I didn't HAVE to leave the house, I wouldn't" days!! It makes me want to go home, have chili with cornbread or biscuits and hot chocolate! (Last night had beef stew with bread from Panera with homemade chocolate chip cookies! YUM!!) Now, I just wish it would snow enough that I could get like a day or two off!! Isn't that terrible...especially considering I was off work for 2.5 days (was out sick)at the end of last week!! Oh well, at least I'm honest! In other Wednesday is Valentine's day and I'm pretty means that I get to have all the chocolate I want and no one will say anything!! And it means that next Thursday Godiva will have a sale!! I can't wait!!! Any special Feb 14 plans, anyone??

5 Things You Don't Know About Me!

I have been tagged by my friend Toya (visit her at ) to do this!! Here we go (I went back and changed this a little bit before I posted it! I think the whole point is to dig a little deeper than normal!) When I was a child, I was incredibly sensitive!! I was the most crying-est, "you hurt my feelings"-est girl in all of Baltimore City! It was so bad, that one time, I asked my aunt if I could help decorate for my cousin's party and when she told me that I couldn't, I cried! The ironic thing is that now I'm accused of sometimes being too insensitive and cold! Wow, perhaps I need to find a balance! I worry about whether or not people think I'm "cool" and I used to worry about making friends! I used to worry about it at school, I worried about it when I first starting working at my job and I even thought about it at church! I always felt nerdy or geeky in school so when I got to college, I desperately wanted to shake tha...

Heaven only knows

I have decided that I like John Legend! I'll say it like my mom would say it, John Legend could be my boyfriend! My mom is hilarious!! She says that phrase about various famous people as if the guy was only waiting for her PERMISSION to become her beau! LOL!! But yes, as I listen to Once Again , I have decided to permit him to be my boyfriend!! Heaven Only Knows, whoo!

brain diarrhea

(Just felt like posting and didn't have a specific topic so let's just see where this post goes!) Happy New Year Everyone!! Welcome to 2007!! I'm so excited about this year and all that it will bring!! What will it bring, I don't know--a date would be nice, though--but I'm looking forward to whatever it is!! I've already been to a wedding this year...and I have four more to go, thus far. I'm participating in three and attending a fourth. I told one of the soon-to-be brides that I'm going to have to start a "bridesmaid account"--to be set up like those holiday accounts--if things keep going the way they have been! I'm very happy for all my family and friends who are getting married but WOW, it can get costly for someone like me!! Wow!! What with dress, shoes, hair, jewelry, makeup, mani- and pedicure and TIME, it's a lot of money involved! Whoo! But it's all good; I do it because I love them! I also have a few friends who are expecti...