Newest Jams of Shame

Yes, folks, it's that time again!! Time for me to 'fess up to those songs that I like but wished that I didn't!

1) "Buy You a Drink" by T-Pain featuring Yung Joc--yes, I I go AGAIN with T-Pain, sheesh!!!

2) "Throw Some D's" by Rich Boy featuring Polow Da Don--and YES, it IS sad that I know who the song is by AND how to spell the artists' names properly!

OK, I think that's it!! It seemed like I had so many!! Some of my other jams, I don't feel such shame in liking them!!

Anymore to add to the list?!


Anonymous said…
HA! Don't feel too bad Tonyette...I actually like both of these songs, too! LOL!
Anonymous said…
Girl let me tell you, your taste in music is straight baltimore.
Unknown said…
I like that buy you a drink, my shame comes in "liking" the songs but having no idea who "sings/raps" them, nor what the heck they are saying until I hear a small child singing along!

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