My child-filled weekend!!

You know, I don't know if I say it often on here, but I LOVE children!! I mean LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!! And I think they love me...and I think I'm good with them!! That's why I'm, like, the world's oldest sitter! LOL!! I watched the children of a couple of friends from church this weekend!! They recently moved to York, PA and I told them that just because they moved didn't mean I wasn't willing to watch the children!! So this weekend, for the first time, I did an overnight baby-sit with them!! Did I mention they have 4 children who are 11, 7, 6, and 4? But I had a ball...Here is my account of what happened:

I got to their house about 5pm on Saturday and the drive was actually pretty nice!! The parents left about an hour later…I cooked dinner--corn dogs and Tater Tots--which we ate on the back deck. Then, baths and a board game--the Bratz dolls, which I am a little sick of have this "make the doll up" game--then ice cream sundaes and I let them watch TV in bed for a little bit…then it was night-night!! Sunday morning, woke up around 8--I was SO happy they let me sleep "late"! Breakfast was instant oatmeal, easy stuff, and then getting dressed--complete with me doing hair!! Whoo! That was an adventure!! I'm NOT good with hair, but I fared pretty well!! Then, we packed lunch for an outdoor lunch in the "park", which was actually just a bench at the playground. Then we actually walked to the playground. They played, we all got on swings and then I practiced some of my dancing…played a QUICK game of basketball--I was referee--and then walked home. As we got back to their block, their parents were rounding the corner!! It was GREAT…they listen to me pretty well and when they don't, they are easy for me to discipline!! A simple "Go to your room and I mean it" brings tears and fear! Oh yes AND the kids wanted to dance...LOL!! WE did the Cha Cha slide, Electric Slide and Booty all five of us, in the living room, doing line dances!! AND she paid me $60!! WHAT? I was EXTRA happy!! I was willing to do it for "a chance to be out of Baltimore and gas!" LOL!! So it was a great weekend...I can wait to have my own children!! (And NO, I didn't write the "can" by mistake!)


Exquisite said…
It sounds like you had a wonderful time. I am cracking up "World's Oldest Sitter" but it's all good. Now I know my kids will have fun with their auntie.
Tonyette said…
I did have a great time!! I LUH the Conway kids!! Yes, your kids will be HOOKED UP when they are with Aunt Ton!! What?!
Unknown said…
I feel you on the I can wait...and girl I just reached the big 30! I am very good with children and I spent last weekend spraying down three boys, playing four square, bowling and getting worn out....because if there is one thing I have learned, the only people who can wear out children, are other children!

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