My good weekend

I meant to post this yesterday...but hey, I forgot!! I had a wonderful weekend!! It was pretty incredible...even if it did go too fast and made me more tired than I've been in a LONG time!! Here's a (hopefully) short synopsis!
Friday, I went to see my favorite group of all time!!! Boyz II Men!!! Yes, there were only three of them and yes, they sang to CDs and yes, because it was at Ram's Head they only performed for about an hour. But it was the most wonderful hour or so ever!! Wanya was, is now, and forever shall be, my total and complete BOYFRIEND...oh, I love him so much--in a "grown woman with a huge crush on a celebrity" kind of way only, of course! Poor Nathan was sick but still managed to sing about 98% of the songs! It was awesome and I'm SO happy that my friend Crystal told me about it so I could go!! Then, Saturday, I got up and went to dance rehearsal!! After that, I got something to eat for me, my mom and aunt. Then I went home...and NOTHING!! Wow, that was an experience within itself! I took a nap and then woke up and nothing! I didn't have somewhere to be; I didn't have something important to do!! What a way to spend a Saturday!! Then, Sunday, I volunteered with Maryland's Race for the Cure. It was my honor and my pleasure to be a part of such a cause! There were over 32,000 registrants for the race! It was a record number for our state!! Then, later that day, my dance ministry wend and ministered through dance at another church!! It was an awesome weekend! I need more stress-free & less hectic weekends like that!!


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