Season finale

Uh, yeah, Laguna Beach's season finale was tonight. Um, it was pretty cool; the different kids were leaving for school and whatnot. Um, ok. Tears and hugs and whatever! It was a cool episode and the Most Unworthy Wench was actually showing emotion!! I guess she was sad to be leaving home and all that! At the end of the episode, they showed LC on TRL. She announced that their was a surprise: a season three. Wow, how thrilled was I UNTIL they showed a preview of the new season. Yeah, about that...BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! The new cast is WACK! It's season 2's juniors and the only one we know is Cami, who we saw for like 2 seconds when she was Jason's DISSED prom date! LOL! What? OH, but they did show my young boyfriend, Talan, so I will be at least trying to snatch PEEKS at the show every now and again!
Also, they have another show called "The Hills" and it's basically following Lauren around. Um...nah, thanks! I mean, I'd watch that over the 3rd season of LB, but...
So, now my friends and I are looking forward to the next season of the Gauntlet. Well, my friends are and I'm just looking for the next GOOD thing! Hope that something will fill the void that LB has left!


Tonyette said…
Well, I'm glad that you like to hear my thoughts on a show that you don't watch!
Anonymous said…
I am so glad that this show is over so you can stop ranting about it. The LB hater.
Tonyette said…
DON'T HATE on it! And, I WILL still be talking about it!!

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