
I had missed last week and this weeks's Laguna Beach, but WHOO HOO on my relaxing day off yesterday, I saw this week's episode! and guess what happened, it totally made me an LC fan! Who would have thought, right? And it made me the PRESIDENT of the "Kristin is a wench!" NON-fan club! Ugh, how dare Kristin go to Lauren's party--LATE--not speak to the person whose party AND HOUSE it is, leave early and have Stephen leave with her (and Alex) and AGAIN NOT SPEAK to LC! Ugh!! Feel my disgust, Kristin! Feel it!!

In other news, it's like 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and this is like the first year that I haven't been COUNTING DOWN to eating! I don't know what that means. Maybe I've been too preoccupied to think about it! Oh well, I think it's time to start an official countdown! So...15 days until Turkey Day! Whoo hoo! Maybe I'll actually do some of the cooking this year!


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