My young boyfriends!

I am watching the Vibe awards right now! (they are SO INCREDIBLY WACK that it actually hurts my feelings but I continue to watch, so what does that say about me!) So, anyway, Kyla Pratt and Robert Ri'chard were presenting! Um HELLO to Robert Ri'chard! He's definitely a yummy young thing! So I was like, "you know, I need to post my young boyfriends' list!"

In order to qualify as a "young boyfriend" the young fellow in question must be at least 18 (not trying to be Roberta Kelly or anything like that!) but is at least 3 years younger than I.
I don't think I have a number one. There are so many YOUNG fine guys that it's actually making me UPSET because I'm like, will I have to marry younger? It's looking like a YES!
Ok, here goes:
  • Omarion: my goodness. He's just the sexiest little thing out there! (If I had to choose a number one, it would probably be him. EXCEPT that he has baby hair! My goodness! Hopefully now that's he's 21--his b-day was 3 days ago and YES I am serious!--he's going to let that junk go!!
  • Robert Ri'chard: whoo, another young yummy. Now that he's actually playing almost adult roles, I feel a little better about finding him attractive
  • Rob Brown: (he "found" Forrester and was in Coach Carter, in case you are like WHO?) nothing's better than a chocolate brown brother!
  • Bow Wow: now, I must admit that I've thought he was cute forever. but since he was like 14 and I was like 21, I'd try to be one of those "he'll be cute when he gets older" women! LOL!
  • Percy Daggs III (didn't know his name until I just looked it up!) He's the cutie on Veronica Mars (and the Nestle Crunch commercials with Shaq.) Ok, so I only saw Veronica Mars once, but for him, I'll be sure to watch again! (plus, I do like Kristen Bell!) I think he's the oldest one on this list, at 23-years-old! Wow, sad! But I don't care!

I think this is it, at least for now! I can always go back and make an addendum!


Tonyette said…
young and teachable? huh! Gotta remember that!
Exquisite said…
Dippin that foot in the kiddie pool huh Ton? That's alright seems like they are gettin finer than the older ones. Ima have to get me a lil young boy. Young and teachable, gotta steal that Kenesha.

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