
Showing posts from November, 2005

I'm so thankful!!!!!!!!!!

So, it's Saturday and Thanksgiving was Thursday. Ok, aside from the WONDERFUL food and FANTASTIC desserts, I was really happy Thursday, just to be alive and well to see another Turkey Day. I had a house to wake up in, a family to eat with and a car to drive me from place to place! So, Thursday, I was grateful! But two things have happened since Thanksgiving day that have made me more than grateful. I've since realized that I'm BLESSED and for that, I'm forever appreciative! First , yesterday, I was off work--woke up dizzy and kept drifting in and out of sleep--so one of the few hours that I was actually woke, I watched MTV's True Life: I'm Dead Broke . WOW! It followed three young people: DeMarlon, 21; Alexa, 18; Sandra 22. All three were struggling to deal with poverty! To see people who have literally half (or less) than what I have, but still are willing to fight to make it really moved me. I mean, I was crying and everything!! The guy DeMarlon was determine...

It's almost Thanksgiving...

In years past--especially my college years--as soon as summer was over, I'd be on a countdown to Thanksgiving! This year, not so! Today is Tuesday & Thursday is Thanksgiving, but I'm rather un-excited! When I was at UMES, I'd be like "only 2 months and 16 days until I get to EAT REAL FOOD!" But this year, I'm like "it's whatever!" I wonder what that's about. Is it because I'm getting older? Is it because this year was rather tough and I couldn't even think as far as the next week, let alone months? Hmm...either way, thinking about my mother's cornbread stuffing, I think I can get a little excited now!

My young boyfriends!

I am watching the Vibe awards right now! (they are SO INCREDIBLY WACK that it actually hurts my feelings but I continue to watch, so what does that say about me!) So, anyway, Kyla Pratt and Robert Ri'chard were presenting! Um HELLO to Robert Ri'chard! He's definitely a yummy young thing! So I was like, "you know, I need to post my young boyfriends' list!" In order to qualify as a "young boyfriend" the young fellow in question must be at least 18 (not trying to be Roberta Kelly or anything like that!) but is at least 3 years younger than I. I don't think I have a number one. There are so many YOUNG fine guys that it's actually making me UPSET because I'm like, will I have to marry younger? It's looking like a YES! Ok, here goes: Omarion: my goodness. He's just the sexiest little thing out there! (If I had to choose a number one, it would probably be him. EXCEPT that he has baby hair! My goodness! Hopefully now that's he'...

Cars that go boom...

Yep, so me BEING me, I did the research b/c I couldn't remember the group name of Tigra and Bunny! They were called L'Trimm! Wow, their two "hits" were Grab It...and the aforementioned song! LOL! I remember first of all that I used to think they were wack, even back then!!! I found out that the first album (with the two known songs) was released in 1988, so I was like 9. So for me to think they were wack in the 80s , they MUST have been wack! Ugh! I remember I used to always imitate the "we're Tigra...and Bunny...and we like the boom!" part for laughs! Did anyone know that they released 3 albums? Wow!

Dear Western

This post is SUCH a copy of my friend Toya's post about our high school, Western! There are some pretty interesting characters that I came across and the funny part is that those people were PAID to be there! Of course I'm referring to the teachers! Here are a few of my most/least favorite ones: (9th grade) Mr. Gogel: my algebra teacher. He was just funny. First of all, he KNOWS he was the dang Oriole bird but I guess he was supposed to keep the identity of the O's bird a secret. So whenever we asked, he always gave the dumbest answers! Even after we SAW HIM in a freakin' commercial! And I didn't like him because I guess I wasn't prepared enough for math (coming from CALVERTON) so when he asked for questions and I said I didn't understand things, he'd say "that's not a question!" Duh, OBVIOUSLY it's not a FREAKIN' question but I don't understand!" Plus he was just quirky and it was kind of funny! My English teacher: it'...

Season finale

Uh, yeah, Laguna Beach's season finale was tonight. Um, it was pretty cool; the different kids were leaving for school and whatnot. Um, ok. Tears and hugs and whatever! It was a cool episode and the Most Unworthy Wench was actually showing emotion!! I guess she was sad to be leaving home and all that! At the end of the episode, they showed LC on TRL. She announced that their was a surprise: a season three. Wow, how thrilled was I UNTIL they showed a preview of the new season. Yeah, about that...BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! The new cast is WACK! It's season 2's juniors and the only one we know is Cami, who we saw for like 2 seconds when she was Jason's DISSED prom date! LOL! What? OH, but they did show my young boyfriend, Talan, so I will be at least trying to snatch PEEKS at the show every now and again! Also, they have another show called "The Hills" and it's basically following Lauren around. Um...nah, thanks! I mean, I'd watch that over the 3rd season of LB,...

Patti Patti

Ok, is it just me or Patti Labelle a diva levels above ANYONE else, a woman whom all women should aspire to be like? Ok, first, I was watching "Living it Up with Patti Labelle." That is such a good show, simply because it's all about Patti. The episode last night was her with Mo'Nique at G. Garvin's restaurant. (I also LOVE Mo'Nique! BTW). Mo'Nique was talking about how she saw Patti at some show when she was like 17 (I turned the channel on a little late and missed some of it) and Patti allowed a fan to come up on stage and get a hug. Mo'Nique was saying how impressed she was and how she loves Patti. Patti, wonderful woman that she is, was so touched that she had tears! Patti is the freaking WOMAN! She was so encouraging! And she had brought Mo'Nique a gift! Ms. Labelle is IT! Then, I was watching the tribute to her on UPN. Uh...besides the fact that she had a "pound of Vaseline" on her legs--according to my mother--Patti looks phenomena...


I had missed last week and this weeks's Laguna Beach, but WHOO HOO on my relaxing day off yesterday, I saw this week's episode! and guess what happened, it totally made me an LC fan! Who would have thought, right? And it made me the PRESIDENT of the "Kristin is a wench!" NON-fan club! Ugh, how dare Kristin go to Lauren's party--LATE--not speak to the person whose party AND HOUSE it is, leave early and have Stephen leave with her (and Alex) and AGAIN NOT SPEAK to LC! Ugh!! Feel my disgust, Kristin! Feel it!! In other news, it's like 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and this is like the first year that I haven't been COUNTING DOWN to eating! I don't know what that means. Maybe I've been too preoccupied to think about it! Oh well, I think it's time to start an official countdown! So...15 days until Turkey Day! Whoo hoo! Maybe I'll actually do some of the cooking this year!

my current jam (shamefully)

You know how you have that song, or those songs, that you just LOVE but feel a little funny about listening to, let alone loving! You know what I mean, those songs by artists that you promise to yourself to HATE, or about subjects that you swear you'll never listen to, or some combination of both. Well, I have a new "jam of shame!" It's "Shake" by the Ying Yang Twins featuring Pitbull! This song, SADLY is my JAM! I mean, like I LOVE it! I think it's because it has the "din daa daa" song (the club song & song from Breakin' 2: Electric Bugaloo) in it! So maybe the clubhead/fan of that movie -- don't joke me! that movie was IT back in the day! -- in me feels COMPELLED to love that song! I just be jammin' to it! (yes, that was bad grammar. Ok, but so what. It's not like Mr. Rey is grading this!) Why do I feel so bad about liking it, um...hello, it's by the freakin Ying Yang Twins!! Seriously! I don't think that ANYTHING ...