I'm so thankful!!!!!!!!!!
So, it's Saturday and Thanksgiving was Thursday. Ok, aside from the WONDERFUL food and FANTASTIC desserts, I was really happy Thursday, just to be alive and well to see another Turkey Day. I had a house to wake up in, a family to eat with and a car to drive me from place to place! So, Thursday, I was grateful! But two things have happened since Thanksgiving day that have made me more than grateful. I've since realized that I'm BLESSED and for that, I'm forever appreciative! First , yesterday, I was off work--woke up dizzy and kept drifting in and out of sleep--so one of the few hours that I was actually woke, I watched MTV's True Life: I'm Dead Broke . WOW! It followed three young people: DeMarlon, 21; Alexa, 18; Sandra 22. All three were struggling to deal with poverty! To see people who have literally half (or less) than what I have, but still are willing to fight to make it really moved me. I mean, I was crying and everything!! The guy DeMarlon was determine...