Blogging aka I'll be back!

It's been months (six, I believe) since I've last posted anything! TONS of stuff is happening in my life...not all good, but not all bad! God continues to be magnificent in my life! My baby girl, the prettiest girl in the entire world, is now nine months and busier than EVER! Whew! I've been in the mood to write...not just blog posting, but maybe poetry, or a short story, or just...words together in some kind of organized fashion. I'm not exactly sure of what or how or when, but I'll be back...blogging, writing, in general, being awesome with words! ;-)

Until then, remember that with man it's impossible, but with GOD, ALL things are possible!!


Tiffany said…
I'm glad to see a post from you Yetty! Welcome back!

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