Overflowing with HOPE!!!!

I don't always write from my "Christian woman" standpoint or about my beliefs...but they are the ruling factor in my life, my beliefs. Well, the ONE belief is the ruling single factor in my life. The Lord Jesus Christ is God...He's MY God! That is my single belief! And IT is the ruling factor of my life! One of the many zillion reasons that I love Him...He gives HOPE like no one and nothing else can! It's amazing! I have conversations with my brothers and sisters in Christ and I see how we can just BELIEVE for these great things...and even for the mundane. We can believe that "everything will be ok" without any kind of real or tangible assurance. We can also believe that God will give us things that require money, lots of money, even if we have NO money! It's something that the "world" can't and doesn't understand. Sometimes I take that, the HOPE that comes from knowing and trusting Christ, for granted! Romans 15:13 (NIV) says "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." He is the God of HOPE...and I trust in Him! I do have joy and peace! By the power of the Holy Spirit, I overflow with HOPE!


Tiffany said…
Thank you for this Ton! I needed to read/hear this. Christ is the principle thing, He is the HOPE of glory! :-)
Nekiah Torres said…
Wonderful post! Our God is an awesome God! Thank you for your most recent comment! Made my day! You should post more often! Kiah

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