Happy New Years Y'all!

Happy New Years, everyone! Yes, it I know it is actually "Happy New Year", no 's'. Only one new year approaches at a time. I usually say that to be funny! Just like I say "Happy Valentimes day" and stuff like that. Anyway, on a more serious note, it's 2011. This is the start of a new decade! I realized, a few days ago, that in this decade, I will turn 40! It put so many things into perspective for me! Last night, my pastor (Prophetess Judy Peart of Crown of Glory Ministries--shameless plug!) talked about time and how, basically, it's SHORT and that it's NOT promised to anyone so we need to get MOVING! I can't keep "prepping" to do what God created me to do. I've got to just do it! It's scary but it's just TIME! So, my "resolution" for this year is "do whatever God says to do exactly when He says it and to get CRACKING on the things He already told me to do!" It's a run-on sentence but it's my only goal for the year!

Happy 2011!


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