Happy Birthday to ME!!

YAY, it's my birthday!! I'm so happy! I'm 27, today!! I'm so blessed to have seen another year pass and I've come through it with a smile on my face and joy in my heart DESPITE all the things that have transpired in the last 365 days! Lord, thank You for giving me one more year of Your grace & mercy!! I've been having a good time and celebrating since Friday! And MAY the party continue! The BEST part of having July 3 as a birthday: knowing that somewhere near it--usually the day after--there is a day OFF work!! Yes!
Here's what I've been doing in honor of the big 2-7!

Friday, I was actually celebrating the birthday of my friend Toya! (if you read this, Mrs Marshall, Crystal and I had a GREAT time! Thank you for letting us join in your fun! Lucy was FANTASTIC! And did I tell you that Crystal cried! LOL! She says she doesn't know why, but I think it was the dancing!!) We went to this Egyptian-themed (and owned, if I'm not mistaken) coffeehouse that had great food and great entertainment! My friends and I have deemed it a new Friday night hangout!
Saturday, I went to dance practice and they gave me the most beautiful card EVER! I cried--and it was only the first TEAR-FEST of the weekend!--reading it! Then, that evening, I went with a friend to dinner and then spent some time with her, her husband and brother! It was great! She bought me a beautiful card that brought more tears!
Yesterday, I went to Atlantic City with my sisters!! We had a REALLY good time despite the almost unbearable and completely unbelievable stench of the water! We had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. It was the first time for all of them, and the second time for me! And they paid for a sista's meal, WHOO HOO!
This morning, my mother and brother gave me cards that brought MORE tears! Wow, I've been crying all weekend!! Later day--whenever I decide to leave work--I'm going to get my eyebrows down and get my nails done and a pedicure, too! And my brother is going to take me to dinner, later!
Oh yeah, and I did get gifts, REALLY good ones and "lots" of them--in my opinion, it was "lots"! May not be to anyone else, but I'm very appreciative! In fact, almost my entire outfit--accessories included--is comprised of birthday gifts! Beautiful tank and skirt from my mom, bracelet, Bath & Body Works lotion and spray from Natima and bag & toe ring purchased by me in A.C. with "birfday money" from my Shekinah--the dance ministry I'm a part of--sisters!! Whoo hoo!!
Birthdays ROCK!!


Anonymous said…
Happy belated birthday, Tonyette!
Tonyette said…
Thank you for the birthday wishes Toya and Kim!!
Toya, we're going to try to be there on the 15th! In fact, I'd say count us in and then if we can't come, I'll let you know!
Kim, Dahlia's picture on the bottom of your email, she looks so STEALABLE! LOL! She's just a cutie pie!

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