(I am going to try to post at least twice a week. I can't promise daily right now but I'll do what I can!)

Ok, having said that, TGIPF! (In case you are wondering, the "P" stand for PAY!) Whoo hoo! I love payday!! Payday is the reason I come to work every day. (Sad but true. I'm currently seeking other employment. No, not actively, but I'm about to change all that!) Sure, I pay bills the INSTANT that I get paid--sometimes I send checks out in just enough time that they'll arrive on payday--and SURE I've got a few bills that are just waiting for my proper attention, but at least on pay Friday, I can treat myself. I can have lunch AND a snack! I can have dinner AND dessert! On pay Friday, I can go to BP and say those three beautiful words, "Fill up, please!" Ok, that last one wasn't completely true b/c I rarely, if ever, use cash to get gas! But you get what I'm saying! Pay Friday is a good day for me! I get so happy about getting paid that the mere thought of getting paid the next day is enough to make me happy on Thursday!


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