
Showing posts from June, 2008


My friend Toya ( The Life of a Ladybug ) tagged me (weeks ago...I'm so terrible!) Here are the questions and my answers! I am always terrible about tagging people, so I won't this time! (hope it's ok that I cheated!) 1)What was I doing 10 years ago? Around this time 10 years ago, I was just finishing up my first year of college at UMES and feeling pretty grown up...but was sad at the same time because I could NOT find a job! Boo! 2. What are 5 things on my to-do list today? 1) Go talk to one of my lil sisters 2) Get on the elliptical! 3) Try to decide what I wanna do for my birthday (in 15 days! YAY!) 4) Wash a load of clothes 5) Read some Word! 3. Snacks I enjoy (I love snacks so I'll try to keep this list small!): 1) Cheez-its 2) peanut butter & crackers 3) M & Ms 4. Places I’ve lived: various places in the B-more metro area...and while in school, Princess Anne, MD 5. Things I’d do if I were a billionaire: (I just went back and read over this and realized t...