
Showing posts from November, 2006

Oh Happy Day!!

I'm feeling especially happy today, or at least right now! (It's probably "a PMS-induced manic state" which could come crashing down at any moment, but for now I'll just ride the waves!!) Here is a list of stuff that makes me happy: My yummy lunches: I had a YUMMY lunch both yesterday and today!! Yesterday, I had a good half sandwich (Turkey Caprese) and half salad (Greek) fromPanera!! Whoo, it was scrumptious!! Then, today, I had an LBC--that's the abbreviation for "little bacon cheeseburger" on the fax form--with fries from Five Guys! Yum, yum, yum! Now, of course because I don't eat much beef I'll be UPSET on like Friday evening, but it was worth it! Thundercats!: I am SO excited to know that Thundercats, Seasons 1 & 2 are on DVD! It is honestly one of my favorite cartoons of ALL TIME! I get to see Lion-O, Snarf and the gang soon!! Whoo hoo! I saw the DVDs on sale at Best Buy, but before I decide to buy--it takes a LOT to convince me t...


Just had a random thought I had as I called Five Guys to get the price of a "little cheeseburger". When you call a place like Five Guys or Pizza Hut or anywhere that is a business that accepts calls from customers, when they say "can you please hold?" is it actually a rhetorical question? or better yet, is it actually a demand posed as a polite question...which is just "polite" for "I have something else to do right now so I can't talk to you, so HOLD! If you don't like it, TOUGH!! At least we 'asked'?" Because think about it, when the voice on the other end of the phone asked me if I would please hold...what were my options? I could have said, "No! I won't hold! " but where would that have gotten me? Would she have actually stopped ringing up people in my ear and heard my question? I highly doubt it! So I just said "sure!" and held the phone until I figured she was never coming back to her end--she was t...

Are we REALLY that busy??

Ok, so I watch The Nanny and if I'm home--which I sometimes am-- Golden Girls , for about 10 minutes. So this means I watch lots of Lifetime...and I always see that commercial for Boniva with Sally Field. If you don't know, Boniva is for osteoporosis treatment! The BIG thing about it is that it's a pill you only need to take once a month, as opposed to some treatments which are weekly!! Now, maybe it's because I don't have to deal with it, but I feel like even though I lead a pretty busy life...I'm sure that I could fit FIVE MINUTES into my schedule to take a pill! The same rings true for that pill they sell for like, herpes or some other STD. In the Boniva commercial, Forest Gump's mom is all proud that she only takes one pill her month while her girlfriend has to take her pill weekly . I mean...again, I've got a pretty busy schedule, I'm sure I can find the 1 minute it would require to take a pill! because I'm ME, I did research Bon...


I'm watching Oprah right now and the cast of Grey's Anatomy is on there...and I admittedly don't watch Oprah regularly nor do I watch Grey's Anatomy but I think that Patrick Dempsey is AS beautiful now as he was in "Can't Buy Me Love"! about beautiful as I thought he was in "Can't Buy Me Love!" Probably even more so...WHOO!

Joy on a plate!

I just got an email and saw two of my favorite food phrases in the same sentence! What were those two phrases: "BBQ chicken pizza" and "Panera Bread"! Imagine me SQUEALING with delight right now!! I LOVE barbecue chicken pizza--and the ironic thing is the first time I tasted it, I didn't realize beforehand that you get barbecue sauce instead of traditional pizza sauce and I was quite hesitant!! After the first bite, I was SUCH a fan! And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE everything (well everything that I've tasted) from Panera Bread!! The thrill that I feel is probably a lil ridiculous! Oh WELL! I know what I'll be having for dinner!!

Plethora o' posts!

This post is dedicated to all my fans! AHAHAHA! Even I had to laugh at the foolery that was that statement!! I have like 6 faithful readers and a few new friends because of the NaBloPoMo--which I failed, by the way! This post is actually in dedication of my friend Donté who lovingly sent me an email to ask "did you just give up on blogging"! Thanks for the kick in the tuckus to get back on the blogging train! But seriously, to all like 8 of you who read my blog, I REALLY do appreciate it!! Love you! SO...since I've been out of the blogging fold for a minute, I'll do one of my famous long posts with a breakdown by sub-topic! Here we go! It's raining men Ok, so it's not raining men! It, IS, however, raining cats, dogs and ponies outside!! OK, not really, but you get the drift! It's raining hard as HADES out there! Ok, so I should feel happy that I live in Baltimore, MD and not Tornadoville, SomewhereElse but STILL! (Thank you, Lord!) It's so dark out...

Strippers on Family Feud!!!

Ok, so it's not exactly like it sounds!! I was watching Family Feud this morning as I got dressed--I was trying something different because I normally watch The Nanny ! DON'T say bad things about it! I LOVE that show and have seen every episode and STILL watch the re-runs! So, it's the most recent tapings of Family Feud, with John O'Hurley, and it was pretty cool b/c I love the show!! They've got a new lil look and everything. So about the third question in, the question was, "name one thing that a stripper would be upset to have break during her performance!" Um...are we seriously discussing strippers on Family Feud? If you are like me, you are curious of some of the answers, so here they are: the pole, leg/ankle, shoe/heel, music system and two more which I can't remember!! It was unbelievable and I was somehow really shocked that THAT was a question!! Maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing, but like, WOW! (I just remembered another answer.....

I rocked the vote!!

Whenever I vote, I feel so proud!! I voted today and I felt good! I smiled a wide grin as I left the school (I vote at Pimlico Middle School, here in Baltimore City!) Yay, me! And hopefully, YAY, you too!!

I'm a failure!!

I feel very sad about it, but I TOTALLY forgot about posting yesterday!! So, I won't be able to make 30 days of posting!! :--( Oh well, I can't win any prizes, but let's see if I can still try to post at least once for the rest of the month--for my own personal accomplishment!!


I'm swamped like CRAP at work!! In fact, I'm late for something else...and haven't been in the union office at all this week (I'm a union rep!)! In fact, I'm actually too busy to even be doing this but if not now, when?? Cause I'll PROBABLY forget later!! Oh well! Just had to get my third day in!! Whoo hoo! Tomorrow will be my challenge! Oh and Sunday, but we'll see how I fare!! Whoo!

Happy November 2!

(I'm going to start having this pic by the first post of every day, so we'll know that I actually DID 30 posts...on 30 different days!! But remember, when we go back to count, I started with this pic on the SECOND day! I don't feel like doing an ETA!) This morning, I woke up--abruptly! My mom screamed in her sleep!! It woke me up STRAIGHT from a dream--and was very thankful! Why? Why not?! First of all, I WOKE UP! Someone who went to sleep last night doesn't have that testimony this morning!! Not only did I wake up, I woke up in a bed in a house that had heat and lights! I woke up surrounded by family--mom and brother--who I love and love me and who I didn't have to worry about harming me, in any way, during the night! I took a shower in hot water and dressed in clothes that fit before getting into a car that's mine--well, will be mine in 2010!--and driving to a job where I can be left alone--for the most part--to do my work. I can expect a paycheck to cover th...

Ready for Love!

Today is November 1st. Please join me every day this month to see what kind of inane and asinine stuff I can conjure up to share with the world! Today, I've decided to bare my soul! So, I was listening to India.Arie this morning on the way to work--very upset because I don't know where my Voyage to India CD is, so I had to "settle" for Acoustic Soul--and "Ready for Love" came on. And as I listened to the words, though I've heard the song many, many times before, I've come to the conclusion that I really AM ready for love! I'm ready for love, and all that comes with it. I'm ready for both the joy and pain. I'm ready to bring my voice, my eyes, my soul/mind to a relationship where a man who likes art and music and loves God will appreciate me! I think emotionally, I'm ready. I'm more "open and available" than I used to be. I was very, stereotypically" guy-ish before. I had to be poked and prodded to share my feelings,...