
Showing posts from October, 2005

Don't hate the game! (again)

OK, so I was actually up early this morning and I was watching Bishop T.D. Jakes on TBN (they're doing their Praise-A-thon) and he was speaking and in his sermon, he said "Don't hate the game, hate the player!" I was like "here we go AGAIN!" And as I screamed ARE YOU SERIOUS, I said "ok, maybe it really IS me! and maybe the saying really IS "don't have the game, hate the player!" Or--since I wasn't paying too much attention for a second because I was ironing or something--he changed it around purposely! Please, Lawd, let that be it! Otherwise, I'm just all confused by this. Now I realize that once again the speaker of this particular phrase wasn't someone who was considered to be "hip" or ya know, like "down" or whatever, but still, if you are going to USE a slang phrase, shouldn't it be used properly? or, is it REALLY me? Have I really been thinking, incorrectly, that the phrase was the other way aroun...

My three daughters!

First and foremost, I MUST commend all mothers! (and fathers! People who actually PARENT are IT!) Whoo! Forget Mother's Day, there needs to be Mother's MONTH! (Same for Father's day!) Having children is no joke! I already know that, but whenever I decide to play "mommy for a minute" I'm reminded of that! My goodness! Between last night & earlier today, I had three little ladies with me. Last night (Friday) I had a 6-year-old and an 8-year-old! My sister came over and kept our company and we had a ball, but MY GOODNESS! After picking them up, we got dinner (Taco Bell) and then ice cream (Baskin Robbins. One of them had never been to Baskin Robbins. OK, WHAT?! I HAD to correct that!) We came to my house and ate. My sister joined us and then we had a coloring party! (Tiff and I felt "some kind of way" to be in the house coloring on a Friday night at 22- and 26-years-old.) After that, I had some things to do (dance ministry-related) so the other thre...


This is another one of those "several blog entries rolled into one" entries! Laguna Beach last night Of course, as it is Tuesday, I watched Laguna Beach last night! It was graduation day in Laguna on last night's episode. First question: what time do they have graduation? They were just CHILLING, getting ready. Then, by the time they actually left graduation, it was dark outside. That seems odd to me, considering I had to be at Western at the cracking of dawn, or at least it felt that way at the time! Secondly, they were wearing WHATEVER under their gowns! Now I realize that again I went to Western and we have our own special dress code for graduating (a fact I'm QUITE proud of) but even at UMES, they were like, "look THIS LIST is what you can AND CANNOT wear under your gown!" And how about one mom's advice to her daughter--who was a 2005 graduate of Laguna Beach High (or whatever the name is) and was upset (because her gown was so big)--was "well...

Oprah's on!

So, I am home while Oprah is on! Why is it that whenever I watch Oprah I'm either CRYING or I HATE the people in the audience (who get all the good stuff)? I don't see Oprah that often because of the hours that I work, but it's like does she have any "regular" topics. I'm either sad or JEALOUS after seeing her show. Um, ok and Tyson (Beckford the model) was on here, among other guests. He was in a near-fatal accident recently and was just talking about that. He was all crying and everything. I'd just like to say that he is still pretty fine! It's about to go off. It's about 4:50p! Oh, and no, don't be impressed. I DIDN'T get to work early enough to be home to see it. I decided to take half a "ME!" day! I claim I'm going to do dishes and wash clothes, but really I've been sitting in front of the computer and near the TV for the last hour! Sheesh! And I have a hair appointment at 6! Whoo hoo! (I'd been wearing my FABULOU...

LB: last week's and this week's

OK, so I am watching the rerun of last week's Laguna Beach and I have MUCH to say! First of all, if Talan wasn't already my BOYFRIEND, how he asked Kristin to the prom would have made him! He is the sweetest thing and it's WENCHES like the unworthy one (aka Kristin) who make it hard for the NICE girls! He had roses and candles...ok, what? We ARE talking about PROM right? But the whole "pranks for prom" thing, I am so not with it! I'd be so unamused! Like how Taylor's date had her car almost towed, NOT funny! And um...did Jeff and maybe the other dude's name was Jeff too, anyway did they like air kiss? Um...looks like it and YIKES! And how about Jason who I can't STAND! Why ask someone to the prom JUST to ignore and "hook up" with that freaking Alex M.--another one I can't stand. Lastly, I realize that there MUST be some difference in culture when it comes to the prom. All the girls wore sundresses and were like doing their own hair an...

Just felt like it

I haven't posted in a couple of days and just wanted to post, so I'll just ramble on about a few things. I'll try to ramble in an organized way though, so I'll provide subheadings. (This will probably be LONG!) In Memory of... Today is October 13, 2005. My maternal grandmother, Naomi Griffin, died 10 years ago on this date. It's funny because I feel completely different now than I thought I'd feel all those years ago. I am absolutely ok. Of course I MISS her very much, but it's not like I "can't go on" or anything like that. My aunts, uncle and mother (from the last time I saw each of them) all seem to be "fine." Of course, that is relative because my family is CRAZY! :--) I used to think that we'd all come undone. That we'd all lose our minds (at least us "older" ones, like the ones who were, at the time, 12 and up.) But we are all ok! Most of us are still pursuing our relationships with the Lord. (my MaMa was our...

Missed it last night

Last night was PROM NIGHT in Laguna Beach and I missed the new episode! I am very upset! But it's ok. Because it comes on MTV I KNOW it'll be on AGAIN and AGAIN before next Monday's new episode! I also missed the My SS16 with Gerald Levert's daughter but I'm not pressed about that, as much!

Happy Columbus Day

Today is October 10. It's the second Monday in October. You know what that means, Columbus Day! Well, if you've never heard of it, or never kept up with it, DON'T feel bad! I didn't even realize that it was a national holiday until I started working for the federal government 4 years ago. Not only is it a national holiday, but it's a FEDERAL holiday! So that means I get a day off for, in my opinion, nothing! Whoo hoo! But you know what's so ironic, this morning I woke up at about 5:25. (it was mostly because I fell asleep at a friend's by mistake WITH my contacts in. and when I got home, I did go back to sleep!) Now the funny thing is that on a "normal" work morning, IF I wake up before 8am, I feel PROUD! How ridiculous! Oh well...Columbus Day, one of the perks of having a good gov't job!

The Cow bka Dairy Fresh

I just felt that it was totally time for a FOOD-related post!! I am always saddened by the end of summer b/c it means the close (for the season) of places like Rita's Italian Ice and more importantly Dairy Fresh. I think that Rita's is a wonderful place, but since I have discovered Dairy Fresh, I just don't love Rita's as much! So, tonight will be one of my "final trips"--even though they probably won't close for another month (they stay open longer because they are the GREATEST!) But it just makes me sad to know that soon I won't be able to ride all the way up Reisterstown Road, eventually changing to Main Street (it makes the change in Reisterstown) to get my good ole gelati! Did I mention that I live in (basically) upper Park Heights (in Baltimore city, just in case my blog has gone national or international! Hey, I'm funny! It COULD happen!) and I make the drive to Reisterstown (about 25 or so minutes) whenever the urge hits me to get a gelati...

I feel convicted...

OK, this post is a shout-out to my friend Toya. She has a post on her blog talking about how we shouldn't use the word "ghetto" when we really mean other words. I was re-reading my previous posts and I felt TOTALLY convicted ! (such a CHURCH girl phrase!) I should have said that the young lady who was allowing her friend to "attend" the Hip Hop Honors via cellular phone was using actions that were completely inappropriate for that particular setting, being that she was on national television. I should have said that she, Miss "you don't have a ticket, hey I got a cell phone so you can still 'come'" was using bad cell phone etiquette. I should have said that I find it quite RUDE that she was just holding her cell phone in the air! I should have any of this, rather than to just call her "ghetto"! Thanks for checkin' me, Toya! And yes, as a person who is (proud to be) from the ghetto, I should DEFINITELY know better! I mean, I ...

Don't hate the game! (Last night's LB)

So of course I watched my new favorite MTV show last night, Laguna Beach , and of course there was MUCH that I could discuss. Every week this show provides at least one shriek of "ARE YOU SERIOUS??" from me and this week proved no different! Jessica (who I just feel sorrier and sorrier for each episode!) and maybe Alex M. (I think, but I don't remember. It was one of them "blonde" chicks!) were having a conversation. So Alex M. (or whoever she is) says "what is that saying? 'Don't hate the player, hate the game'. Is that how it goes?" To which Jessica replies, "no, it's 'Don't hate the game, hate the player.'" At this point, I cry "ARE YOU SERIOUS?" to the TV. Because Jessica said it like she was absolutely right, like she was the end-all be-all on this particular brand of slang. Like her friends look to her as the "I don't only speak VALLEY GIRL" member of the crew! She said it like, ...

did the research...

and it appears that Russell is older than Rev. Run (as I thought anyway!) what I didn't realize is that, according to (which is one of my main "sources" of information, as I am QUITE the Internet stalker) Rev. Run is NINE years younger than Rush! (I know, I TOOK you BACK with the "Rush" nickname!) I mean, does anyone else think they look like they are that far apart? I mean, Russell is 48 which means the Rev is only what? 39? Oh my GOSH! I honestly don't believe that. I'll have to do some more research. That just seems so wrong!

One more thing...

About the Hip Hop Honors . En Vogue sang! Ok, it was pretty brief (because they were performing "Whatta Man" with Salt-N-Pepa) but to see Cindy, Dawn, Maxine and Terry all together was pretty exciting!

VH1's Hip Hop Honors

Ok, so it's 1:56 in the morning. Because I was ridiculously tired after cooking a nice Sunday dinner, I took an almost FIVE-hour nap! (It was completely unintentional!) Anyway, so when I woke UP at midnight , I figured there'd be nothing good on. Lo and behold, at 12:30, VH1's Hip Hop Honors were replaying! Whoo hoo because I hadn't seen them yet! Well, the first person they were honoring was LL Cool J. And there was a performance by Nelly and Ciara. Well, I was completely skeptical of Nelly and Ciara (both who I like, actually, but I'm just skeptical sometimes!) Well, they proved to be great and made me a believer! Nelly really captured the 80s LL! He performed "I'm bad" and it was almost like watching the video for that song! Plus, he looked a little sexy! I'm now offically ON Nelly! Then, he and Ciara did "Doin' it" and they were very good! I thought it was good that they were able to add their own flair (for example, instead of r...